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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Baking Up Some Fun with Sequencing and Comparison!

I hope everyone enjoyed some fun during our snow days.  I spent ours baking up some fun with my own children to share with all of your kiddos.  This month I did gingerbread cookie activities during most Speech and Language Activities.  In this posting, I wanted to pass along a fun cookie activity for families to do at home.  Families would choose a cookie-cutter pattern, and bake the cookies, engaging the kiddos at every opportunity.  (Some kiddos took home small packages of gingerbread cookie dough with an example activity.) 

In our lessons, I made gingerbread cookies for all of the students.  I asked each if they liked the taste of gingerbread following a single bite, then asked which part they bit off first.  Each student wrote their name accordingly, indicating their answers.  We then compared and contrasted the answers in a visual graph.  It was a lot of fun!  Also…don’t forget to use temporal words (First, Next, Then, Last, Before/After, During, While, etc) while baking.  Encouraging knowledge of temporal words within a single home-based activity helps to grow language development.  Sequencing and comparing/contrasting are also great precursor skills in developing higher-level math and science skills. Enjoy!