Late Start Policy for Bad Weather
After a survey was completed by patrons of the district last year, it was clear that our parents are in favor of having late starts in case of inclement weather. Starting this year, we will incorporate late starts when we feel it would be safe to do so. Important facts about late start:
• We will send a school reach phone message letting you know how many hours we will delay the start of the school day. As an example: we will delay for two hours starting school at 10:15 a.m.
• Radio stations and KTVO will be informed of our late start time.
• If school is started two hours late, the bus will run two hours behind its regular schedule. Example: if you normally get picked up at 7:15 a.m., you will get picked up about 9:15 a.m.
• SOAR will continue with its regular hours.
• Students should not come to the school until the delay is over or 20 minutes before. From the example above, students could start arriving at 9:55 a.m.
• Breakfast will not be served on mornings we have late start.
• School will let out at the regular time.