ACCESS POLICY - 109.5 (1)


Parents have unlimited access to their children at all times while attending the program. Parents and community members are welcome to observe our program. Please check-in with the director upon arrival. For liability and supervision reasons, it is not possible for children who visit the program to take part in activities. Overnight guests are NOT allowed to attend the program unless enrollment forms have been filled out prior to attendance and fees paid in advance. PTYC may also serve as a training site for college students working towards their degree. In the event of a court order prohibiting contact, PTYC will not allow parents contact to children while attending the program.

Staff members will limit, to the best of their knowledge and ability, the people allowed on the property when children are present. Limited access will be given to authorized persons who include all staff members and parents/custodians of the children enrolled. Any other person on the property will be closely supervised and monitored by PTYC staff depending on the reason the person is on the property.

Any persons who are listed on the sex offender registry shall only have access with written permission from the director relating to their own minor child coming to and leaving the child care center. They must stop by the office to obtain assistance from the director or assistant director and will remain at the center only for the time reasonably necessary to drop off and/or pick up their own minor child with supervision. 


For all licensed child care programs, all medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter medicine, must be authorized by a written statement from the physician and/or the parent.  All medication must be in an original container, indicating the child’s name, type and date of prescribed medication, amount and time of dosage. Staff who dispense medication will receive required trainings.

When medication is brought to the program, it is to be given to a staff member so that it can be stored properly.  A medication release sheet must be completed and signed by the parent.  All medication is stored in a medication container in closed cabinets or refrigerators away from children.

If medication is to be kept at the program for treatment of a chronic condition, no more than a one month supply should remain at the program at any time and a new release form must be completed and signed at monthly intervals.

It is essential for staff to complete the medication forms even when the child is not attending due to an illness, the weekend, etc.  If a child has medication that is required for a specified period of time, the staff members are required to complete documentation for the entire time period.  For instance, if a child is ill or it is a weekend the staff must indicate why the medication was not given.


All caregivers who have been in our employment are trained in the use of Universal Precautions.  Universal Precautions means an approach to infection control in which all human blood and certain human body fluids are treated as if known to be infected with HIV, hepatitis B, and other blood borne pathogens. Protective equipment is available to all staff who may come into contact with blood due to student injury.

NUTRITION POLICY - 109.4 (2) AND 109.15


Snacks are provided to PTYC participants. Breakfast is served at each child’s school upon arrival from PTYC. All meals and snacks are prepared and served according to CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program) standards. Any foods brought from home must meet the nutritional requirements set by the USDA child and Adult Food Program. Breakfast items brought from home will not be allowed to be consumed in the program due to breakfast being served at the child’s school. Exceptions to these standards will be allowed for allergies, medical conditions or religion. A monthly menu is available to each participant in advance and is posted at the program site and on the PTYC web page.  Please inform the on-site coordinator if your child has special dietary needs or food allergies. Breakfast is offered at approximately 7:45 a.m. and includes milk, fruit or juice and a breakfast item. An afternoon snack is served and includes a beverage.


During full day releases, spring break, and during the summer, students are provided breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Breakfast items brought from home will not be allowed to be consumed until breakfast is served at approximately 7:45 a.m.  Parents must notify the program prior to 9 a.m. if their child will be eating a program lunch. Parents will be charged $3.50 for lunches ordered if the child does not attend. Prime Time participates in the Summer Food Program, a federal reimbursement program designed to assist in providing nutritious meals (breakfast and lunch) to students. This program provides partial or full reimbursement of meals to participating students. Parents will be notified prior to summer regarding cost of meals, if any. All meals follow USDA student meal guidelines.

PROCEDURES - All students and staff will wash their hands with soap and water before and after eating and/or handling food. Prime Time Youth Care will also promote a “No Food Trading” and “No Utensil Sharing” policy. Lunchroom tables will be cleaned before and after each lunch shift. A monthly menu is posted on the website and available at the site.


Any foods brought from outside sources must meet the nutritional requirements set by the USDA Child and Adult Food Program. Exceptions to these standards will be allowed for allergies, medical conditions or religion. A monthly menu is available to each participant in advance and is posted at the program site and on the PTYC web page.  Please inform the on-site coordinator if your child has special dietary needs or food allergies. Breakfast is offered at approximately 7:45 a.m. on school days and includes milk, fruit or juice and a breakfast item. An afternoon snack is served and includes a beverage.

HEALTH POLICY - 109.4 (2) b

All students attending PTYC are required to have an annual statement of health signed by the parent, immunization records, and authorization to meet medical and dental emergencies. Parents are responsible for providing this information and keeping it current.

  1. All staff members must wash their hands at the following times to prevent or minimize the transmission of illness or disease: Upon arrival at the center, immediately before eating or participating in any food service activity, before leaving the restroom either with a child or by themselves, before and after administering first aid.
  2. Children’s hands will be washed at the following times to prevent or minimize the transmission of illness or disease: Immediately before eating or participating in any food service activity.


The program will post a notice to parents if children have been exposed to a communicable disease.

Each child will have direct contact with staff upon arrival.

If your child becomes ill while attending PTYC, you will be called to pick up him or her as soon as possible. If your child is unable to attend school due to an illness, they are also unable to attend PTYC. Please follow school guidelines for your child’s return to school and PTYC.

If your child has a known medical condition (asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder, etc.) please be sure the director know what to do if a problem should occur during program hours. Please make sure that any medication is available and that the appropriate forms for its use have been completed.
If a child has any one of the following conditions, the parent will be notified to pick up the child immediately: contagious disease, fever over 100 degrees, vomiting or diarrhea, lice, accident requiring medical attention. (Students with nits may return to the program after treatment has been given, consistent with district policy).


You must give a written release form from the doctor to the On-Site Coordinator, if your child is to be given prescription or nonprescription medication during a PTYC session. These forms are available from the PTYC staff. According to school district regulations, the medication must be in its original container with instructions from the doctor for the On-Site to distribute to the child written on the outside. A PTYC trained staff will administer all medications.


First-aid kits are located in the daycare.  If the child care program uses the outdoors and/or goes on a field trip, staff will take a first-aid kit with them in case of an injury that needs attention.  The first-aid kits must be stored in a place that is inaccessible to children and is sufficient to address minor injury or trauma.

PTYC On-Site Coordinators and Childcare Providers hold current First Aid/CPR certificates and will follow recommended procedures, if a medical emergency arises. All injuries are recorded in the injury log kept on site. First Aid kits are kept at each childcare location. A PTYC staff member will contact you if your child is injured. If you or your child’s other parent or guardian cannot be reached, staff will call emergency contacts listed on your registration form. If emergency medical care is considered necessary and the above cannot be reached, the staff member will have your child transported to the hospital at parent's expense.

If a child breaks a permanent tooth, the caregiver will have the child rinse with warm water to remove any dirt.  Ice will be placed on the face in the area of the injury. Staff will try to locate and save any broken tooth fragments.  Dental attention will be sought.  In the event that permanent front tooth is knocked out, the caregiver will find the tooth.  He/she will hold the tooth by the part that shows in the mouth, not the root.  The tooth may be rinsed in water but not scrubbed.  The caregiver will try to put the tooth back into the socket.  The child will be instructed to hold the tooth in place by gently biting on a clean cloth.  If the tooth cannot be reinserted it will be placed in a cup of milk.  Dental attention will be sought immediately.  The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has recommended these procedures.

Please inform the staff of your child(ren’s) special needs or limitations. We want to provide each child with the best possible care. Such situations can be discussed with Becky Eaton by calling 641-683-6337. The Americans with Disabilities Act states that we will make reasonable accommodations for children with special needs as long as this does not fundamentally alter the nature of our program. We may not be able to care for all your child’s needs.

The Ottumwa Community School District and its employees assume no liability for injury to any child during his/her participation in PTYC. The parent or guardian will be responsible for paying all costs and fees contingent on an emergency medical care and/or treatment of the child(ren).

Ottumwa Community Schools are smoke and tobacco-free as required by Iowa Code (905.2). School district facilities and grounds, including school vehicles, are off limits for tobacco or nicotine use, including the use of look-a-likes where the original would include tobacco or nicotine. This requirement extends to students, employees and visitors. This policy applies at all times, including school-sponsored and non-school-sponsored events. Persons failing to abide by this request are required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the tobacco, nicotine or other product, or leave the school district premises immediately. It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.

SAFETY POLICY - 109.4 (2) b

Your child will be released only to the authorized people listed on your PTYC enrollment form. Siblings listed must be 16 years of age or older. Please keep your authorized pick-up list updated regularly, at a minimum of once a year. Make sure to list the person’s relationship to your child and a phone number if they can be contacted as an emergency contact.

All staff will be trained annually on emergency procedures at a mandatory staff meeting.  New staff coming in will be trained as part of their orientation.


  • Mandatory Reporters

All PTYC and other Ottumwa Community School District employees working directly with children are Mandatory Reporters of suspected child abuse. Employees are required by law to report any suspicion of physical, sexual or emotional abuse.

  • Universal Precaution Policy

All staff receive training on infectious disease control.

Universal precautions must be followed by staff members at all times. A protective barrier such as gloves must be worn when handling any bodily excrement or discharge.

  • Proper hand washing must be followed as stated in the Hand Washing Policy. All sharps must be placed in the sharps container after use.

All staff will be certified in CPR and First Aid.