Drills for fire, tornadoes, and disasters are practiced monthly. An emergency plan is posted in each room for evacuation procedures. In the event of a bomb threat, power failure, chemical spills, earthquake, blizzard, or other disasters, the center will be evacuated and parents will be asked to pick up their child/children at the area designated for emergencies. The following is a list of emergency procedures and staff responsibilities:
All children will be evacuated immediately following the exit route posted in each room. Staff must move the children out of the building as quickly as possible. One staff member must take the first aid kit, sign-in sheets and emergency phone numbers located near the phone. After the children have evacuated roll call must be taken. Children should be kept as calm and quiet as possible. The office staff will report the fire. Children will be escorted back to the building upon receiving permission from the fire authorities. In the event that fire authorities indicate that the building is not safe to re-enter or if the weather is inclement groups of children can be moved to an off-site location. Fire drills are performed once each month.
If tornado/severe thunderstorm warnings are announced and/or sirens sound children must be taken to a safe environment calmly and quickly. PTYC will move to areas designated in their schools for such an emergency. On-site supervisors will take the sign-in sheet and the emergency phone numbers. All children and staff will remain in designated areas until the office indicates that it is all clear. Tornado drills are performed once each month.
The possibility of a flood is remote based on the school locations; however, broken water mains may occur. In the event of a flood, all children must be taken to a dry area along with all files and emergency numbers. All children will evacuate to the Multi-Purpose rooms if it is unaffected. In the event that the flooding requires PTYC to dismiss, parents will be called. Office staff will contact the repair services and emergency help.
A staff member will call the office. All necessary and up-to-date numbers are posted near the phone for easy access. Children will be moved to a different location in the room or facility when possible to ensure their safety. Building supervisors, the Executive Director or designee will go directly to the room to monitor the situation and assist in asking the intruder to leave. The business desk will, in the meantime, call 911 for the police. Refusing to leave is a serious offense that the police officials will handle when they arrive. The staff will keep the children safe during this process. If the intruder has a gun, report the possession to the office and remove the children if possible, without threatening their safety.
Prime Time Youth Care cares about the safety and well-being of the children participating in the program. This concern does not end when a parent/guardian or other authorized person comes to pick up a child from the site. If a staff member observes conduct by an individual wishing to pick up a child that reasonably leads the staff member to believe the individual is impaired, the staff member may take action to address these concerns. If necessary, an authorized pick-up person will be contacted. If the parent/guardian decides to take the child, the proper authorities will be contacted.
An incident report must be filed.
The following are symptoms of intoxication or under the influence:
- Smell of alcohol on breath
- Adult has difficulty walking or standing
- Adult is unable to speak in a coherent fashion
The following steps will be taken if a child is lost or abducted from the site.
- Thoroughly search the immediate area.
- Call 911
- Call the building principal or the Youth Services Coordinator.
- Notify parents.
- The Youth Services Coordinator will contact the District Administrative Office.
- The Youth Services Coordinator or on-site supervisor will remain at the center as the point person and to gather information/description of the child to share with authorities.
If a blizzard forces the building to close, ,staff already present will remain on duty until children are picked up. A storm may hit with such suddenness and intensity that parents may not be able to come for their children for several hours. Staff will call all parents or emergency pick-up contacts to notify them of the closing.
All children and staff must remain calm and cease all activities until the emergency lights come on. Caregivers may notify the office of the occurrence. If the power does not come back on and will not be on anytime soon, staff may conduct activities outdoors. In certain situations, it may be determined that the program will close. In the event that it must close, parents will be notified to pick up their child.
The workers will proceed as with a fire drill, exiting and taking the list of children and the emergency numbers box. If requested, the director or designee will accompany an authority through the area to point out any unusual articles, boxes, etc. The children and workers will remain outside until permission is given by appropriate authorities to re-enter the building. If the weather is inclement, and a decision is made by authorities that we will not be re-entering (caution or the discovery of a bomb) or if the wait continues past 45 minutes, then a call will be made to YMCA for access to their facility to shelter our children and staff. Conversely, the director of each program will decide in consultation with the PTYC Director or designee, to wait still longer or to wait with the children while the parents can be called to pick up their children.
Not every detail of the situation can be worked out in advance. A staff member can make phone calls or someone may have brought the cell phone from the business office area. Do not expect to send someone into the building for the cell phone.
In the event of a chemical release, roads will be closed by law enforcement. Depending on the type of chemical spill, law enforcement officials may ask that everyone stay indoors or ask that the area be evacuated.
Remaining Indoors: Staff will be asked to remain at PTYC since law enforcement will not permit travel. The program will operate and continue to use the activity schedule if applicable. Staff members will attempt to call parents to reassure them that their children are safe. No outside play will be permitted. All windows and doors must remain closed. If possible, staff will place wet paper towels, sheets or duct tape in the window and doors to seal them. The children will be moved to an area with as few doors and windows as possible. The staff will listen to the radio for important information. If breathing is difficult, provide wet towels for the children to breathe through. Do not use tap water during this time.
In the event of an earthquake, all children must get under tables when possible. When the earthquake stops, exit the building like a fire drill procedure is occurring. Staff will take emergency numbers, first aid kits and sign-in sheets. Take roll call immediately. Injured children will be transported by ambulance or automobile to the hospital. A parent must be notified immediately. All other children will proceed to emergency shelter. Parents will be notified immediately.
PTYC staff will assist in transporting children to a safe area. All vehicles must have the heater or air conditioner off and windows closed. Listen to the radio for emergency information. Remember to take the children’s emergency phone numbers, sign-in sheets, water, paper towels, first aid kits and children’s clothing and medication. Parents may be contacted with the use of cell phones or those available at the evacuation site. Allow children to only leave with those listed as emergency pick up people.
After the safety of our students is assured, PTYC will make every attempt to contact and inform parents of the situation as soon as possible. The following procedures will also be followed:
- Should parents arrive to take their students during a tornado, fire or evacuation, the student may leave as long as they have been signed out with the On-site Supervisor or designated staff.
- Should parents arrive to pick up their child during a lock-down, they will not be allowed to enter the building and will need to wait in a safe area of their choosing until the all clear has been given and students are dismissed.
- Keep classroom phone lines open during any emergency procedures.
- Keep cell phone lines open during any emergency procedures.