Registration Requirements
Iowa Immunization Requirements - An immunization record is required to enroll pursuant to Iowa Department of Public Health [IDPH] 641 Chapter 7. The school nurse collaborates with local public health, whom audits admitting official’s compliance with IAC 641 Chapter 7.
Dental Screening Requirement - All children enrolled are required to have a dental screening pursuant to IDPH 641 Chapter 51. The school nurse collaborates with regional public health designee, I-Smile Coordinators, whom audit the admitting school official’s compliance with IAC 641 Chapter 51. There is no school exclusion with this mandated health screening. A school nurse may complete the Kindergarten Dental Screening.
Mandatory Lead Testing Program - All children enrolling are required to have at least one lead test. The school nurse collaborates with school personnel to complete a Kindergarten excel spreadsheet containing enrolling student demographic information that is returned by email to IDPH that is compared to the state Lead database. IDPH will audit the list of enrolling students and return to the school a list of students whom did not meet the requirement and school admitting official’s compliance with IAC 641 Chapter 67.
Vision Screening Requirements - Each public or accredited nonpublic school shall forward to the Iowa Department of Public Health evidence of each Kindergartner’s valid vision screening performed no earlier than 1 year prior to enrollment and no more than 6 months after the date of the child’s enrollment. The school nurse can collaborate with community providers or conduct the screening themselves.