The Evans Drama Department is presenting the murder mystery dinner theater, Café Murder by Nathan Hartswick, on March 25 and 26. The shows will be performed at the Career Campus on Main Street and will be catered by the Ottumwa High School Culinary Department under the leadership of Family Consumer Science teacher, Mandy Walker. This is an exciting way to showcase the talents of both the Evans Drama students and the OHS culinary students!
In order to include the large turnout of students for auditions, director Pam De Boer chose to create two separate casts. Each cast will present two performances – a dinner show and a matinee show. The two casts represent students who have performed in previous Evans productions and those new to the stage.
Members of the Friday cast are: Jack Bauer (6th), Serenity Frantz (8th), Annika Panjikar (8th), Oliver Hernandez (8th), Emma McIntyre (8th), Finn Feikert (8th), Maya Joshi (6th), Madalynn Sertterh (6th), and Isabella Hoffman (7th). This cast will present the dinner show on Friday, March 25 and the morning matinee on Saturday, March 26.
Members of the Saturday cast are: Chayton Gates (8th), Joey Naumann (6th), Lyn Bauer (7th), Jillian Skinner (8th), Kahlia Morales (8th), Jordan Lee (8th), Hannah Williams (8th), Valeria Maldonado (8th) and Houston Aguilar (8th). This cast will present the afternoon matinee and dinner show on Saturday, March 26.
The performance schedule is:
***SOLD OUT**** Friday, March 25 dinner show –
Saturday, March 26 morning matinee – doors open at 10:30 a.m., snacks served at 10:45 a.m.
Saturday, March 26 afternoon matinee – doors open at 2:30 p.m., snacks served at 2:45 p.m.
Saturday, March 26 dinner show – doors open at 6 p.m., dinner served at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for dinner shows and $5 for matinees. The dinner menu includes pasta (cavatina) with sauce, salad, garlic bread, and dessert. The matinee menu will include cookies and chips to snack on during the show. Limited seating is available due to the nature of the show. The deadline to order tickets is Wednesday, March 23 at noon. Please follow the link, to order tickets.
Ticket proceeds cover production costs and help to fund future shows. The Evans Drama department has used funds from past shows to purchase lights, a lighting board, speakers, microphones, and a sound board. Please consider joining us for a show and help us solve the case of murder at Café Murder!
Please contact Pam De Boer at Evans Middle School either by phone (641-684-6511) or via email [email protected] with any questions.
Update- The Friday evening show is now sold out. Please consider attending one of the other three Saturday performances.