The Evans Middle School show choir, Rising Stars, placed first in their first-ever competition at Central Lee on Saturday. Sudden Impact, the OHS show choir, also took first place in the 4A division and were 3rd runner up overall.
The Evans Rising Stars have performed locally for the past nine years. With the school's change to a dedicated choir director and vocal instructor, the program is now able to compete with other middle schools. "Most schools who compete at the high school level have a middle school show choir that competes," according to Dennis Vasconez, OHS vocal instructor.
The Evans Rising Stars is comprised of 24 singers/dancers in grades 6-8 and 1 drummer. Soloists included: Jocelyn Davis, Isabelle Denner, and Jack Bauer. "Out of three teams, Evans took first place in the Middle School Division," said Kathryn Streeby, Evans vocal instructor. The group will perform in their final competition of the year in Fort Madison on March 5.
During the 2022 season, Sudden Impact has competed at Benton, Indianola, and Central Lee. The final competition will be in Quincy, IL on March 12. OHS senior, Lorna Bauer, has been named Outstanding Female Soloist two out of three competitions to date.
Lorna Bauer