Evans to Perform McQuadle: A Dragon's Tale

The Queen and her Daughters

The Evans Drama Department will present  McQuadle:  A Dragon's Tale on March 27 at 7 p.m. and March 28 at 3 p.m. in the Evans Auditorium.  This event is open to families only to maintain social distancing during the performance. 

McQuadle:  A Dragon's Tale  by Eddie McPherson is the story of a young dragon's search for the purpose in his life. He gets help from his good friends, Thurman, Little Foot, and Wee Wee.    He meets many interesting people in his search:  an Evil Queen and her two daughters, two jesters who aren't very funny, and two wizards who aren't the brightest.  In the end, all of the characters in the story are impacted by McQuadle's quest.

Cast members include:  Alexis Harvey, Hannah Williams, Jauna Diego Tomas, Sam Anderson, Miles Hedgecock, Shana Pinkerton, Isabella Hoffman, Houston Aquillar, McKenzie Carrow, Sophia Huffman, Jacey Ockenfels, Annabelle Baker, Jaclyn Blackwell, Dawna Rupe, Adyson Ellis, Shana Pinkerton, Porscha Bryant, Jillian Skinner, Hannah Williams, Jocelyn Whennen, Joselina Hernandez-Mendez, Sophia Huffman, and Joselina Mendez.

Crew members include:  Shaylynn Williams, Marvin Garcia, Jordan Lee, Kaylee Kirkpatrick, Paloma Baeza, Ethan Reynolds, Malia Murray, Dakota Cluff, Antonia Ramirez, Caleb Ziegler, Molly Feikert, Alexandra Perry, and Gracynn Walker. 


Characters in Evans Play


Group pictures of characters