How would you like to have your 6th grade child earn a $7,000 scholarship?
As a parent/guardian of a sixth grade student in Ottumwa, you should know that your son or daughter is eligible to apply for an exciting scholarship available at Indian Hills Community College—the Indian Hills Community College Foundation Bill and Ardis Evans Scholarship.
As long-time educators in the Ottumwa public school system, Bill and Ardis Evans decided upon their retirement in 1989 that they wanted to do something for the community of Ottumwa, and at the same time, assist students in reaching their educational and career goals. They established a scholarship that is designed for students in the Ottumwa community who will be completing their first two years of post-secondary education at Indian Hills Community College before transferring to a four-year institution.
Each year, one female and one male sixth grade student is selected to receive an initial award of $1,000. Upon successful completion of each continuing year in the Ottumwa School District, each student may receive an additional $1,000. Therefore, at the time of his or her high school graduation, a total of $7,000 will have accrued. No funds may be expended prior to the recipients’ high school graduation. The two award recipients will be selected by the Indian Hills Community College Foundation Scholarship Committee with announcements being made at the awards assembly at Evans Middle School in the spring.
Applications may be obtained from the Evans Middle School Counselor. Applications must be returned to the Evans Counselor’s office no later than April 23, 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact me by email at [email protected] or at (641) 683-5156.