Evans MiddleSchool will have one science textbook on display for parent and community review. The sixth grade science textbook and supporting resources will be available from May 27-June 10 at the district administration office at 1112 N. Van Buren from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the lower level office. The text will go before the Ottumwa Board of Educationfor approval on June 22. The textbook, InspireScience, was published in 2020 by McGraw Hill.
Mr. Dave Harper
812 Chester Avenue,
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Driving directions
Main Phone: 641-684-6511
Attendance: 641-684-2284
Guidance: 641-684-2285
Nurse: 641-684-2286
Fax: 641-684-2259
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