Two Students Earn SEIBA Invite

student musicians

Logan Storto and Schuyllar Frantz

Two Evans Middle School students, Bounsay Khamphilanouvong and Claire Hahn, were selected to participate in Southeast Iowa Bandmasters Middle School Honor Band. They will perform with musicians from across the state on February 5 at West High School in Iowa City.

Last week, nine members of the Evans 7/8 band auditioned at Fairfield High School. Each student memorized 9 scales and learned two or three challenging songs in preparation for the audition. During the audition, the student musicians were asked to play three scales and part of each etude. Students who auditioned were:  Logan Storto, alto sax; Schuyllar Frantz, trumpet; Alison Cutsforth, Hannalee Songer, Katelyn Gerleman, Annabelle Tschetter, and Bounsay Khamphilanouvong, clarinet; Tyler Allison, percussion; and Claire Hahn, oboe.

"All students grew as musicians through this challenging process!" said Pam DeBoer, 7/8 instrumental and vocal music instructor at Evans Middle School.   

student musicians

Front to back clockwise:  Claire Hahn, Katelyn Gerleman, Bounsay Khamphilanouvong, Tyler Allison, Hannalee Songer, Alison Cutsforth, and Annabelle Tschetter.