Eggs Teach Responsibility

3 girls with eggs

Every seventh grader at Evans Middle School enrolled in the Family and Consumer Science (FCS) class recently had a lesson in responsibility.

The culminating activity in the Child Safety and Babysitting unit was the Baby Egg Project. During the class, students learned the developmental stages of a child so they understood the importance of babysitting. "They realize that a good babysitter is responsible, reliable, and able to help children learn and grow," said Lolita Flanders, FCS teacher at Evans.

To apply the knowledge learned, students created a baby egg. They designed their baby egg and a container to keep the egg safe. For three days, the student was required to take the baby egg whereever they went. This included attending classes on Friday and then taking the baby egg home for the weekend. The goal was to bring the baby egg back unbroken. On Monday, students reflected on their experience. "Students enjoyed and had fun doing the activity!," said Flanders. "They now know that child care is a serious and important job!"

egg baby

egg baby

egg baby

egg baby

