Evans to Perform "Hoodie"

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The Evans Middle School fall play, Hoodie, is Saturday, November 9 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, November 10 at 3 p.m. in the Evans auditorium. Tickets are $5 and available at the door.

Hoodie is a collection of short vignettes on the life of middle school students. Image, popularity, wearing the right clothes, and being friends with the right people are topics the play addresses.  Be ready for laughter and tears and re-living those stressful moments of middle school.

Hoodie Cast:

The Clump:  McKenzie Carrow, Abel Aldaba, Athina Alexander, Madison Bringman, Alexis Harvey, Annabelle Baker, Jaclyn Blackwell and Aryana Banuelos;  Natalie:  Alison Cutsforth; Shirts 1-10:  Houston Aguilar, Belen Hernandez Norris, Jillian Skinner, Ashton Stines, Ireland Holbert, Jiara Docudou,  Hannah Williams, Zoe DeVore, Alysa Alexander, and Jocelyn Thompson; Emily: Hanna Talbert; Emma:  Serenity Frantz; 2 girls:  Madison Bringman and McKenzie Carrow; Lucas:  Miles Hedgecock; Ben:  Houston Aguilar; Dr. Lou:  Bailey Chance; Hoodie:  Calli Blaise; Aiden:  Belen Hernandez Norris; Trilby:  Jillian Skinner; Charlotte:  Jocelyn Thompson; Father:  Abel Aldaba; Mother:  Alison Cutsforth; Nicole:  Aryanna Banuelos; Boy:  Ashton Stines; Girl One:  Jaclyn Blackwell; Girl Two:  Madison Bringman; Girl Three:  Alexis Harvey; Girl Four:  Annabelle Baker; Jimmy:  Miles Hedgecock; Ryan:  Ashton Stines; Addison:  Ireland Holbert; Layla:  Belen Hernandez Norris; Mom:  Jocelyn Thompson; Jeremy:  Houston Aguilar; Jonas:  Miles Hedgecock; Rachel:  Hannah Williams; Tina:  Jiara Doudou; Amber:  Hanna Talbert; Ashley:  Alison Cutsforth; Brianna:  Bailey Chance; Bailey:  Zoe DeVore; Jazz:  Alysa Alexander; Bamboozle:  Ireland Holbert; Flimflam:  Jocelyn Thompson and Neve:  Serenity Frantz.