Vaccination Reminder for 7th Graders

The Iowa Department of Public Health made changes to the Iowa Immunization Law in 2017 that requires all students entering 7th grade to have the Meningococcal vaccine before school starts this fall.

Meningococcal disease is a life threatening illness that is caused by bacteria that infects the brain, blood, and spinal cord. It easily spreads in crowded settings and typically affects older teens and young adults. All students entering 7th grade must have proof of having the Meningococcal vaccine before school starts in August unless the student has a Certificate of Immunization Exemption. There will be no grace/extension period for the implementation of this requirement.

Students are also required to update their tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) vaccination. If students are unable to get the Tdap vaccine prior to school starting, they will be allowed to start school with a 60-day provisional certification. Students must get the vaccine before the provisional certificate expires or they will be unable to attend school.

Now is a great time for your child to receive this immunization requirement. You can take your student to their primary health practitioner or schedule an appointment with Wapello County Public Health at 641-682-5434. Cost at Wapello County Public Health is a $10 donation per child.