The Evans drama department will perform the musical, Wizard of Oz, on Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7 in the Evans Middle School auditorium. Performance times are Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m.
This year, the Wizard of Oz celebrates the 80th anniversary of its Hollywood premier. The film is based on L. Frank Baum's children's book, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." The original film, released in 1939, was an immediate hit. It was nominated for six Oscars at the 1940 Academy Awards, winning for original score and original song for "Over the Rainbow."
The musical has become popular in schools and children's theaters in the United States and the United Kingdom.
The cast and crew include: Kate Baur, Rebecca Burleson, Alysa Gatlin, Miles Hedgecock, Jocelyn Mallonee, Jayla Munday, Meika Sloan, Lexie Smith, Jocelyn Thompson, Devin Umphress, and Kiya VanBlaricome, sixth grade; Brynn Addis, Rihannan Baer, Ellie Barnes, Elli Bishop, Jaclyn Blackwell, Bailey Chance, Claire Collins, Ali Cutsforth, Jadyn Hallgren, Annika Hicks, Ava Johnson, Mikayla Jordan, Liam Maw, Olivia Moughler, Alaina Raleeh, Hanna Talbert, Mia Tanner, and Annabelle Tschetter, seventh grade; and Kaetlyn Baeza, Danny Barksdale, Makynna Beinhart, Hailey Brown, Alexus Carrow, Delaney Deiters, Maggie Haw, Mya Lemonds, Halayna McDonough, Stephanie Pierce, Sherlyn Quintero, Joslyn Roberts, Abby Rodgers, and Noah Trucano.