Students of the Week in January (February 2, 2018)

Sixteen students at Evans Middle School were recognized during the month of January for representing the school’s Standards of Success. Students of the Week for January 2 were Wendy Perez-Fernandez and Eddiel Perez Caraballo, sixth grade; and Ellory Sauceda and Cooper Derby, seventh grade. Students recognized January 8 were Alejandro Garcia and Stephanie Pierce, seventh grade; and Chloe Bradley and Matthew Tray, eighth grade. Students recognized on January 15 were Jennifer Lujan and Austin Fountain, eighth grade; and Irish Songer and Adilene Espinoza, sixth grade. Students recognized on January 22 were Ty Myers and Lavonya Conley, seventh grade; and Ricky Schelker IV and Kathleen Williams, eighth grade. Students recognized on January 29 were Vada Monaghan and Roman Laux, sixth grade; and Ella Allar and Keegan Ewing, seventh grade. 

Standards include being a Responsible Community Member, Compassionate Role Model, and Respectful Individual. These standards can be displayed by attending school and actively participating in the learning process; collaborating with other students; having a positive attitude; listening actively, caring for the environment; and appreciating diverse friendships. Students will be selected each week and will receive a certificate during lunch and an Evans’ Pride Card. 

4 students of the week at Evans Middle School

4 students of the week at Evans Middle School

4 students of the week at Evans Middle School

4 students of the week at Evans Middle School