OHS Counselors will present to your son/daughter in their science classroom on Tuesday, January 16. This was originally scheduled for Thursday, January 11 but was rescheduled due to weather. Students will receive a personalized scheduling card, a brochure that lists extra-curricular activities, and their own copy of the Program of Studies that describes all classes available at OHS. Ask them to see this information. During the presentation your son/daughter will receive information about:
- the scheduling process
- high school graduation requirements
- courses that are required for 9th grade students
- elective courses that are available to meet their interests and being shaping their career plans
- college entrance requirements
- activities they can become involved in at OHS
- community volunteer opportunities
Parents play an important role in their students’ educational experience. We want you to be well informed and encourage them along their journey. Please come to the OHS Auditorium on Tuesday, January 16 at 6PM. You will learn the same information as your student, along with information about the college credit opportunities your son/daughter will have while still attending high school. Early college experiences are excellent opportunities for students to save you money and ensure they are prepared for college after high school graduation.
Hope to see you all Tuesday, January 16 at 6PM in the OHS Auditorium
- Mrs. Maas, Associate Principal of Student Services
- Mrs. Keller, Counselor for Students A-G
- Ms. Conrad, Counselor for Students H-O
- Ms. Eakins, Counselors for Students P-Z