Student of the Week-December

Several students at Evans Middle School were recognized in December for representing the school’s Standards of Success. Students of the Week for December 4 were:  Gabe Leffler and Ashley Gomez, seventh grade; and Areli Campos and Jeremy Williams, eighth grade. Students of the Week for December 11 were:  Alexis Collins and Adrian Rodriguez, sixth grade; and Hector DePaz and Olivia Lewis, seventh grade. Students of the Week for December 18 were:  Bailey Johnson and Helen Maldonado, eighth grade; and Bailey Chance and Clayton Davis, sixth grade. 

Standards include being responsible, compassionate, and respectful. These standards can be displayed by attending school and actively participating in the learning process; collaborating with other students; having a positive attitude; listening actively, caring for the environment; and appreciating diverse friendships. Students are selected each week and receive a certificate during lunch and an Evans Pride Card. 

four students selected for student of the week

Students of the week of December 4

four students selected for student of the week

Students of the Week of December 11

four students selected for student of the week

Students of the Week of December 18