The Ottumwa Community Schools’ Fine Arts Department will host their Holiday Choir Concert for students in grades 5-8 on Thursday, December 14 at 7 p.m. in the Ottumwa High School auditorium.
Selections for fifth grade honor choir includes “Gonna Catch That Santa,” “Holly and Ivy and Evergreen,” and “Siyahamba (African folk song).” The choir is directed by Felicia Dighton.
Selections for the sixth grade choir include: “Santa is the Man,” “Still, Still, Still” with a violin solo by Angela McDonald, and “No School Tomorrow” with a bass solo by Lydia Swarney. The seventh grade choir will perform: “Jamaican Noel” with a percussionist solo, “All on a Silent Night,” and “Blizzard on the Way!” Eighth grade choir will perform: “Christmas . . . In About Three Minutes,” “The Peace Carol” featuring an oboe soloist, and “Heaven Everywhere.” The seventh and eighth grade choirs will combine for the final number, “For Unto Us a Child is Born.” All middle school choirs are directed by Pam De Boer.