It’s time to start turning in those Box Tops again! We will be collecting Box Top coupons all year long in order to raise money for Evans Middle School. Many schools like ours have raised thousands of dollars each year, just from clipping and submitting Box Tops! Our school earns 10 cents for each box top it collects. The amount may seem small, but it all adds up. If each student just brought in 1 box top we would earn around $100.00. Box Tops are on the packaging of hundreds of participating products that you use every day. All you need to do is cut them off of the box they are on, stick them in a baggie, and send them to school with your student. They can be turned into the main office, or any classroom teacher.
Mr. Dave Harper
812 Chester Avenue,
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Driving directions
Main Phone: 641-684-6511
Attendance: 641-684-2284
Guidance: 641-684-2285
Nurse: 641-684-2286
Fax: 641-684-2259
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