On a recent Wednesday after school, Science Club member, Alexander Renneberg, was learning about endothermic reactions. His goal--create a way to super cool a can of pop.
Renneberg, an eighth grader, was changing the ratio of baking soda, citric acid, and water. He measured the results. Two different attempts did not produce the results he hoped for.
In her second year of teaching, Allison Zeller sponsors the club for any Evans student. "The goal is to bring awareness to different careers in the science field, provide students the opportunity to expand their knowledge, and to get them curious about science," she said.
While club participation has increased, her weekly attendance varies. Right now several students are involved in other activities. She offers the club from September to May and allows students to come when they are able. Activities are designed to be completed during the one hour meeting and do not build on each other. Many extend from her classroom instruction.
Zeller was always interested in science. Several middle school and high school teachers in Ottumwa served as role models. With plans to attend optometry school, she took a year off and was a substitute teacher in the district. The year long stint was all it took. She changed her career plans and went back to school.
For students like Alexander, Science Club is another opportunity to learn. He hopes to be a computer programmer when he grows up but right now he is interested in everything science. "It's my favorite class," he said.