Horace Mann Elementary School News
The Ottumwa Youth Basketball League for boys and girls in grades five and six will host...
Here are the dress themes for the week: Monday - Crazy Hair Day Tuesday - Ba...
First grade students in Miss Meeker’s class at Horace Mann showed their appreci...
Parents are reminded that the early release on Wednesday will be at 1:30 p.m. This is...
A hallway near the gym/cafeteria is used by every student, every day at Horace Mann. ...
Thirty-four new teachers are starting their jobs in the Ottumwa district today. Their...
The Ottumwa Youth Football League will host a free camp for Ottumwa students entering...
The OHS Girls Swim Team is sponsoring their 3rd Annual Technique Clinic for youth dur...
Several district schools recently participated in the National Association of Postal ...
A new phenomenon was recently celebrated at Horace Mann. Students got into the spirit...
The last day of school for students in the Ottumwa Community School District is June ...
Two students at Horace Mann were place winners at the national PTA Reflections contes...
Ottumwa Schools will host a Retiree Open House to honor 21 employees who will retire ...
A recent award by the John Deere Foundation will support three technology initiatives...
PTYC will offer a vareity of fun and enriching activities during Spring Break. ...
The Mexican Consul, Guadalupe Sanchez Salazar, will be sharing a message with Spanish...
Ottumwa High School had a planned power outage this afternoon after 3:30 p.m. Th...
For over 37 years, Tim Belzer has been printing something every day. Belzer, who mans...
Ten members of the Ottumwa Bulldogs Archery Team earned state qualifying scores in th...
Archers from Horace Mann competed in the Washington Archery Shoot on Saturday. Result...
To celebrate over 300 Bulldog Bucks earned by Horace Mann students, there will be a S...
Over 100 kindergarten through eighth grade students recently demonstrated thei...
Sixteen students dined at a special table today at Horace Mann. These students we...
The Horace Mann Heroes are student representatives in grades 3, 4, and 5 tha...
Parent teacher conferences in the Ottumwa School District will be held Monday –...