180 Days -Students Send Notes of Thanks

180 Days -Students Send Notes of Thanks

First grade students in Miss Meeker’s class at Horace Mann showed their appreciation to the building custodian on Friday. They delivered thank-you’s to him for putting together a new table in their classroom.

Bob Brisendine has been a district custodian for 24 years, the last three at Horace Mann. He appreciates student and teacher thank you notes. “I keep them for years!” he said.

Miss Meeker felt it was important to show their appreciation. And sending the personal notes linked to the school’s Positive Behaviors Interventions and Support (PBIS) initiative. “We need to be polite and say thank you when appropriate,” she said. The table project presented a great opportunity.

Students recognize that Brisendine cleans their classroom and that tasks such as the table are extra work. Her students each crafted an individual message to Brisendine, including artwork. “We thought he would like it,” said William.

McKenna felt she should put stuff on her note to show what he did and then add more detail with her art.

“We love him,” said Anthony.