Addison Grade with Mrs. VandenBerg
Five varsity volleyball players showed their apprecation to several current and former staff members during Tuesday's volleyball game at Evans Middle School.
Addison Grade nominated elementary teacher, Carmel VandenBerg
"Mrs. VandenBerg was one of my 6th grade teachers at Evans. Ever since then she has been a part of my life, including my extra-curricular activities. She has always been there to help whether it be school or volleyball. She was the only one I could think of that has always cared so much not just for myself but for others as well. She is one of the most kind-hearted people I have ever met, and I have been and still am till this day very grateful to have her in my life. Thank you for being such a great role model and coach throughout my time in middle school and high school."
Kiley Heller nominated retired educator, Ruth Thomas.
"I chose Coach Thomas because not only do we share the same love for the sport, but she has helped me form into the player I am today. Since I first picked up a volleyball in 8th grade, she saw how much I loved the sport and pushed me every practice to become my very best. She made it known that we could always come to her. When I didn’t know what I was doing wrong on the court, she always had a helpful answer. I remember at retreat last year when we were all laughing together watching her swat at horse flys with a pool noodle. Through all the laughs, sweat, tears, long nights, and conditioning, she has played such a huge role in my development as a player and a person. Coach Thomas has been there for support and always had a positive word to share. I cannot thank her enough for all she has done and taught me."
Brooklyn Beske nominated OHS teacher, Geralyn Harnisch.
"Junior year was a huge struggle for me, especially with COVID affecting the year. Having a teacher like you helped me through a lot, always knowing I had a classroom I could walk into with no hesitation to rant or just talk to if I was having a bad day. The first thing you would always say to me was 'Hi Beske,' then you would tell me to pull my mask up over my nose, haha. Thank you for always making me laugh and being someone I can count on. You were more than just a teacher to me!"
Kennedy Hugen nominated retired educator, Therese Heminger.
"I wanted to honor Ms. H because she has always supported me through everything since I met her in elementary school. She comes to all of my events, and encourages me by telling me how good I am doing, even if I feel as if I’m not doing the best. She is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met - she deserves this award more than anyone."
Addison Ransom nominated Evans teacher, Gina Leonard.
"Mrs. Leonard's class is one of the things I remember most when I look back on middle school. Her 6th grade class made transitioning to Evans easy. Mrs. Leonard had me in class during my most awkward and confusing years. She helped me learn that I could really do well in my academics! There seemed to never be a dull moment in her class. I enjoyed how funny and lighthearted she was towards her students. Mrs. Leonard has still remained a part of my life to this day and I am so glad to have been her student."