Career Campus

331 E. Main, Ottumwa      641-684-6512


The Ottumwa Schools’ Career Campus offers students increased learning opportunities in high demand career fields. Located one block from Ottumwa High School in downtown Ottumwa, the recently remodeled, state-of-the-art facility provides opportunities for students to earn high school and college credits simultaneously.

Courses allow students to explore careers and prepare for life beyond high school. The curriculum is focused on work-based learning opportunities that are connected to local businesses and community partnerships, giving our students real world experiences. Students also have the opportunity to "earn while they learn" in registered apprenticeships and internships. Current career academy strands offered at Ottumwa High School and Career Campus include Business; Construction Trades; Family Consumer Sciences; Culinary and Hospitality; School-To-Work;  Automotive Technologies; Engineering and CAAD Design; Metals and Advanced Manufacturing; and the Health Sciences.

Our work continues to expand career exploration opportunities for Ottumwa students. Future courses and hands-on learning opportunities that will be offered beginning in August 2022 include career academies in Agriculture Sciences and Computer Sciences, as well as additional  internships and registered apprenticeships with local businesses and employers. Career academies at Ottumwa High School and the Career Campus exemplify our commitment to Be The Best!