Week 1 - Paige Anderson and Gage Holtsman
Paige was nominated by Mrs. Mason for being a ”thoughtful, hardworking student.”
Gage was nominated by Mrs. Gregory for “always participating in class and lending a helping hand.”
Week 2 - Jesse Gulbronson and Fatima Landivarde
Jesse was nominated by Mrs. Mason for “spaying desks before class if I haven’t done it yet.”
Fatima was nominated by Ms. Jenks for her accomplishments on the previous math quiz.
Week 3 - Chanega Bwijtak and Filimon Teklehaymanot
Chanega was nominated by Ms. Jenks for doing a great job in her math class. "Keep it up!"
Filimon was nominated by Mrs. Tedrow for "always tell your teacher i Hola!, for always being very pleasant and positive, for working efficiently in class, and for being a wonderful student to teach!"
Week 4 - Margaret Hornfeck and Anthony Patlan
Margaret was nominated by Ms. Simmons for being responsible, “asking questions, and overall being a great student.”
Anthony was nominated by Ms. Jenks for doing a “great job” on his last math quiz.
Gage Holtsman
Jesse Gulbronson
Fatima Landivarde
Chanega Bwijtak
Filimon Teklehaymanot
Margaret Hornfeck
Anthony Patlan