Students of the Week - May

Paige Anderson

Paige Anderson

Week 1 - Paige Anderson and Gage Holtsman
Paige was nominated by Mrs. Mason for being a ”thoughtful, hardworking student.”
Gage was nominated by Mrs. Gregory for “always participating in class and lending a helping hand.”

Week 2 - Jesse Gulbronson and Fatima Landivarde
Jesse was nominated by Mrs. Mason for “spaying desks before class if I haven’t done it yet.”
Fatima was nominated by Ms. Jenks for her accomplishments on the previous math quiz.

Week 3 - Chanega Bwijtak and Filimon Teklehaymanot
Chanega was nominated by Ms. Jenks for doing a great job in her math class. "Keep it up!"
Filimon was nominated by Mrs. Tedrow for "always tell your teacher i Hola!, for always being very pleasant and positive, for working efficiently in class, and for being a wonderful student to teach!"

Week 4 - Margaret Hornfeck and Anthony Patlan
Margaret was nominated by Ms. Simmons for being responsible, “asking questions, and overall being a great student.”
Anthony was nominated by Ms. Jenks for doing a “great job” on his last math quiz.

Gage Holtsman picture

Gage Holtsman

Gage Gulbronson picture

Jesse Gulbronson

Fatima Landivarde picture

Fatima Landivarde

Chanega Bwijtak picture

Chanega Bwijtak

filimon Teklehaymanot picture

Filimon Teklehaymanot

Margaret Hornfeck picture

Margaret Hornfeck

Antony Patlan picture

Anthony Patlan