Senior Highlight - Kelsey Hull

kelsey hull senior picture

Kelsey Hull - Her high school activities included GSA, Best Buddies, and Upward Bound. She plans on working part-time, getting her associate of arts, and then furthering her education. 

Favorite memory - "Making new friends and meeting new people that would come to influence me and my experiences at OHS."

What lesson will you take with you after graduation - “To always be a glass half full kind of gal and look at the positives over the negatives in tough situations.”

Most influential teachers - Mrs.Gregory, Mrs.Sprouse, and Mr.Nickerson!

What OHS experience defines who you are - “All of my experiences combined have made me the strong and powerful woman I am today.”

Advice to underclassmen - “Just try and be strong, make it through to graduation, you will enjoy it more if you put effort into it.”