Here is the schedule for students taking the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) in April:
- Monday, April 12 - No testing
- Tuesday, April 13 - Science
- Wednesday, April 14 - Reading
- Thursday, April 15 - Math
- Friday-early dismissal - make up tests
- Monday, April 19 - Make ups tests
- Tuesday, April 20 - Writing/Language
- Wednesday, April 21 - make up tests
- Thursday, April 22 - make up tests
- Friday, April 23 - make up tests
Testing Schedule:
- Testing will be done from 8:10 to 10:10 a.m. in Connections. Seniors will attend classes starting at 10:16 a.m. on April 13, 14, 15, and 20.
- 1st 10:16-10:43
- 2nd 10:49-11:16
- 4th 11:22-1:06
- 3rd 1:12-1:39
- 5th 1:45-2:11
- 6th 2:16-2:43
- 7th 2:49-3:15
- 1st 11:16-11:36
- 2nd 11:46-12:06
- 3rd 12:16-12:36
- 4th 12:46-1:06