OHS to Expand Testing in March

ACT testing graphic

OHS will once again administer the ACT test to all 11th grade students on Wednesday, March 3. However, this year OHS will also administer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) to all 10th graders, (this test does not indicate a commitment to the armed services) and the PreACT test to all 9th grade students.
The building will be divided into three sections that day to accommodate testing. Testing is scheduled to last from three to four hours. Once completed, students will go to the cafeteria and pick up a sack lunch. They will have until 1:10 to eat. Students will be dismissed from lunch to their regular Connections class location.  

While in Connections, students are to log onto Schoology so they can participate in enrichment activities, get caught up on late work, missing assignments, and/or assessments.

Seniors will have a virtual day.  Students will log into their Schoology account to complete required work. 

Students will be dismissed at the regular time.