Senior Highlight - Brody Evans

Brody Evans

Brody Evans

Brody Evans- Brody participated in swim and baseball during high school. GEAR UP had a large impact on Brody and so did the motivational speaker from California who was originally from Ottumwa. That speaker shared how he turned his life around and made his dreams come true. Brody would describe the environment at OHS as fun, exciting, and enjoyable. He is thankful for all of the teachers being so caring throughout his academic career at OHS. Brody is most proud of his academic standing and maintaining good grades throughout high school. He plans to attend Indian Hills for the PTA program, then transfer to a four year university.

Leadership Experience- Brody got all of his leadership experience through group projects and discussions.

Most Influential Teacher- “Mrs. Hall because of the way she helped me with anything I needed in order to do well in her class.”

Favorite OHS Memory- Brody’s favorite memory was joining the swim team his senior year. He really enjoyed trying something new!

Advice to the Underclassmen- “Make the most out of your time in high school because they always tell you these four years will fly by and it’s true, you don’t want to have any regrets once you’re out of high school.”