Senior Highlight - Macy Duff

Macy Duff

Macy Duff

Macy Duff- Throughout high school, Macy was a part of Best Buddies, band, tennis, synchronized swimming, basketball, volleyball, cheerleading, 4-H, and Intramurals. Macy was happy she was able to make it through walking up four flights of stairs daily in order to make it to class and graduate from OHS. She is thankful for GEAR UP and the opportunity to tour several colleges. She is appreciative that OHS taught her to always be true to yourself. Macy will be continuing her academic and cheerleading career at Indian Hills, then transfer to a four year university. 

Leadership Experience - Macy was president of her 4-H club and Best Buddies.

Advice to the Underclassmen- “Always try to get to the building before 8:09;)”