Senior Highlight - Rayna Leon

Rayna Leon

Rayna Leon

Rayna Leon - This senior was involved in a sorority and also spent some time in a group called Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).  Beautiful, anxiety, and laughter are the words she used to describe her time at OHS. Rayna is undecided on her future plans but will definitely be working and saving for higher education.

Describe something about OHS that stands out to you - “No matter where you're at, there is always a helping hand around the corner. Sad that it had to end so suddenly.”

What lessons will you take away from your OHS experience? - “Timing is everything, and everything eventually finds peace.”

Greatest Accomplishment - “Reaching the point of graduation and receiving a diploma.”

Most Influential Teacher - “All my teachers had a great impact on my school years but it wasn't until my senior year that Meadow Ream and Devin Baker really helped me turn my year around. Without them encouraging me I probably wouldn't have made it to this point in my year.”

Advice to Underclassmen - “Keep your head up high and your goals even higher. Don't skip school too much, you'll fall behind.”