Korbin Stevens - This talented senior participated in SparkTank, a project-based experience that connects students with local businesses and organizations. Students solve problems experienced in the real world and are provided authentic learning opportunities while becoming immersed in a professional culture. Making clients happy was a challenge met by Korbin in this program. Korbin was accepted into the Los Angeles Film School and plans to major in film making.
Defining Moment - “The discovery of my interest in film that I later shared with Mr. Garchik. After many discussions, he eventually inspired me to write my own film and pursue my love for film. Thank you Mr. Garchik, you helped a kid struggling to find his passion.”
Most Influential Teacher - “Mr. Sones always inspired me to keep going and talked with me when I was having a rough time. Mr. Garchik showed me I have to work to achieve my goal. There are no free passes. If I wanted something to happen I had to make it happen myself no matter how difficult. He also helped inspire my love for film.”
Favorite OHS Memory - "When Isaiah Scales, television producer, came to visit."
Describe something about OHS that stands out to you - "I created a MLK inspirational video for the local MLK event. I led a lot of my film projects and some group projects."