Senior Highlight - Jordyn Salter

Jordyn Salter

Jordyn Salter

Jordyn Salter - A member of Shark Club and Four O’Clock Sorority, Jordyn also earned  a Silver Cord by volunteering at least 200 hours of community service. She plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa and major in Elementary Education.

Greatest Accomplishment - "Graduating high school as well as earning my AA degree."

Leadership Experience - President of Four O’Clock Sorority

Most Influential Teacher - “Mrs. Fisher because she was always there to help me in any way, whether it be writing a recommendation letter, signing off for Silver Cord hours or even just to chat. In addition, the counselors were always there to offer a helping hand, whether for school work, scholarship help, or even just to chat.”

Favorite OHS Memory - “Driving with my friends from my class to do volunteer work with Mrs. Fisher.”