Senior Highlight - Keely Birk

Keely Birk

Keely Birk

Keely Birk - Found her high school career to be interesting, drawn out, and fun.  Her experience at OHS has made her realize how much she has changed since her freshman year.  She participated in basketball her freshman and sophomore year. Her future plans are undecided.

Leadership Experience -  “In Aspire, I sometimes got to help the underclassman with a class I already took, which I loved.”

What lessons will you take away from your OHS experience? -  “Be true to you no matter what!”

Most Influential Teacher - “Mr. Stout because he never gave up on me even when I failed six million times.”

Advice to Underclassmen -  “Have fun but don’t be stupid.  And if you are stupid, just learn from it and grow!”