Cultural Fair a Success

Despite the weather, OHS's first Cultural Fair was a success, according to event coordinator, Barb Hanson. Traditional performances were the highlight of the night but not to be out done by all the students who worked hard to present their country with a tri-fold board of facts and artifacts. "People attending could "travel the world" with a passport, visiting over 30 different countries representing our students," said Hanson.

The community had the opportunity to eat food from Spain, Mexico, India and Nepal; try on traditional dresses from South Korea; and visit with families from these native countries. "The idea was to bring people together, despite their differences and backgrounds, to create a sense of belonging for ALL our students and families," said Hanson. 

The event also featured information about college, crisis interventions, ELL services, disability services, health services, and more.

cultural fair    conga line

cultural fair    cultural fair

cultural fair    cultural fair