Show your school pride as we celebrate Homecoming in Ottumwa.
The themes for dress this week include:
- Monday - Super Hero Day
- Tuesday - Flannel Day
- Wednesday - Class Color Day (freshman-yellow; sophomore-green; junior-blue; senior-red; and staff-purple)
- Thursday - 'Merica Day (patriotic)
- Friday - Red and White
The Powder Puff football game is Monday at 6 p.m. at Schafer Stadium.
On Thursday, the Homecoming Parade is scheduled for 6 p.m. It will begin at the high school and go down Second St. to Market, ending at Central Park. The coronation of the Homecoming King and Queen will follow. The Homecoming court includes: Andrew Altfillisch, Storm Beltran, Brok Hopwood, Corey Ridgeway, Seth Rupp, Caroline Carlson, Claire Carlson, Jami Nickerson, Ashlyn Thompson, and Cheyenne Young. There will be an Open Mic Night in the OHS cafeteria immediately following. The night will conclude with a bon fire and fireworks.
On Friday, the Bulldogs face Iowa City at Schafer Stadium. The sophomore game starts at 5 p.m. and the varsity at 7:15 p.m.