180 Days - School Tour Promotes Pride

180 Days - School Tour Promotes Pride

Morgan Greiner, Mallori Schulz, Gabby Bookin-Nosbisch, Makala Shoop, Dalice Aguilar, Ariana Nunez, and Ally Grooms

Seven members of the Ottumwa High School student council showed their school pride on Saturday to the Class of 1966.

The OHS alumni were having their 50th class reunion and contacted the student council to arrange for a school tour Saturday morning. Members of the class were surprised at how much the school had changed. Things they noted included all the sports girls can participate in, the dress code, a weight room where the former pool once was, new library, and auditorium.

Tour guides laughed at the constant reference to the first floor as “the basement.”

“It was interesting learning what high school was like for them,” said Gabby Bookin-Nosbisch.

“It was cool to hear them tell stories,” said Mallori Schulz.

The seven tour guides, including Bookin-Nosbisch, Schulz, Dalice Aguilar, Ally Grooms, Makala Shoop, Morgan Greiner, and Ariana Nunez, took pride in sharing their school spirit as well. The alumni even sang the school song on the steps, with student council members joining in.

Schulz was proud of “how kept up the building is for how old it is.”

“I really enjoyed it,” said Bookin-Nosbisch. “We are thinking of making tours a Homecoming tradition.”