Teacher Appreciation

Teacher Appreciation

Lizbeth Buenrostro gets a hug from Ms. Debb Kent.

An OHS tradition started three years ago was the highlight of last week's varsity basketball game. Teacher Appreciation Night provides an opportunity for senior basketball players and cheerleaders to honor a teacher who has had a significant impact on their lives. "To have a student write a testimonial to an educator is one of the great tributes that a teacher can have," Principal Mark Hanson said as he introduced the teachers to the audience.

Hayli Beeson nominated OHS English teacher, Ms. Allison Neumann, as the teacher who has most positively impacted her.  “Ms. Neumann was my 9th grade English teacher but is much more than that. She has helped me with so many things like writing papers, working with me on my shot for basketball, and giving me lots of great advice.  Without everything Ms. Neumann has done for me, I wouldn’t be who I am today, and I probably wouldn’t have made it through high school. When no one else understands me, I know I can always turn to her. I respect her as my teacher but I also consider her one of my best friends, and I am thankful for everything she has done for me. She has taught me how to stay positive, have confidence in myself, and to be a good role model. Thanks Ms. Neumann.”

Megan Black nominated her Evans Middle School math teacher, Mr. Larry Zuehlke. “I nominate Mr. Zuehlke because he has always told me to do my best and pushed me into taking advanced classes, making me work hard to get good grades.  Mr. Zuehlke always was willing to help me with anything whether it was math related or not.  He has inspired me to take classes that challenge me and make me work hard mainly in the field of math. He is so encouraging, always telling me I can do something even if I think I can’t. I still enjoy making random visits to him and catching up on everything.  Mr. Zuehlke has taught me how to always work hard and I am very thankful for that.  Thanks Mr. Zuehlke.”

Averi Cash selected former Evans Middle School teacher, Ms. Connie Wilson.“I nominate Ms. Wilson because since I moved to Ottumwa in 8th grade, Ms. Wilson has always made me feel very welcome.  She taught me the importance of volunteering and because of her “service learning” unit, I still volunteer to this day.  I am so grateful to have had ms. Wilson as teacher, but I am honored to now be able to call her a friend.  Thanks Ms. Wilson.”

Curtis Schneckloth nominated OHS science teacher, Mr. Ryan Johnston. “Mr. Johnston has taught me many things the past two years.  He has taught me not only physicis and how it works in our every day lives, but he also has shown me how to get work done while having a good time.  He comes to school each and every day in a great mood, which transfers to the mood of the class – making it a fantastic learning environment.  I thank Mr. Johnston for the knowledge that he has taught me about physics and life in general.  Thanks Mr. Johnston.”

Emily Bittner also selected Evans Middle School math teacher, Mr. Larry Zuehlke, as her teacher of impact. “I nominate Mr. Zuehlke because he has given me so much more than advanced math skills. He constantly pushed me to put forth my best effort and still does to this day. I have always respected him as a teacher and feel that I can confide in him at the same time. He has inspired me to become not just a math teacher, but someone that makes an impact on people’s lives. I hope to one day slam my hand on top of a metal filing cabinet and say, “It’s shut-up time, children,” because after all, dynamite comes in small packages.  Thanks, Mr. Zuehlke for everything, Mr. Z.  I truly appreciate it all.”

Abbie Budan selected Ms. Melissa Simonson. “Ms. Simonson has taught me more than just three years of French.  Every day, she taught us how to be better individuals. She always has a smile on her face and she has taught me to always find the positive side of every situation. Thanks Ms. Simonson.”

Lizbeth Buenrostro selected OHS family and consumer science teacher, Ms. Debb Kent. “Ms. Kent has been an amazing coach and teacher. She has always been extremely caring and considerate towards all of us and she treats each student like children of her own. Personally, Ms. Kent has always been there for me. She has listened when I needed someone to talk to. She is also an amazing teacher and knows how to connect with her students. She makes me excited to go into her class every day and she also gives the best hugs. Thanks, Ms. Kent.”

Jennifer Klodt selected former Eisenhower elementary school teacher, Ms. Julie Lawrence“I nominate Julie Lawrence because she has always challenged me academically and pushed me to do my best. Ms. Lawrence was available to give me guidance when I needed it. I am so glad I had the opportunity to have her as a teacher. She has shown me that to achieve greatness, you need to put 110% into everything. By always encouraging me to do my best, Ms. Lawrence has made me a better person. She has forever affected my life in a positive way. I would like to thank her for everything she has done for me, and I will never forget her presence in my life. Thanks, Ms. Lawrence.

Andrina Helgerson selected Ms. Melissa Carpenter“Ms. Carpenter has prepared me to respond quickly to what life throws at me. As my middle school mock trial team mentors, Ms. Carpenter and her husband taught me and my team every aspect of the court room. I soon discovered mock trial included much more writing than I’d expect, a fact that at first I fretted over. However, with Ms. Carpenter’s help, I not only grew to enjoy writing but learned to read into what others might argue and think on my feet to make my own point. Life is much like this scenario – you never know what it will throw at you, but with Ms. Carpenter’s help, I’m now prepared for whatever the future has in store for me.  Thanks Ms. Carpenter.”