JROTC Competes in Missouri

JROTC Competes in Missouri

OHS 1st Year drill team front row from left: Eduardo Vasquez, Alexandria Young, Hannah Lackey (commander), Taylor Horton, Chief John Wynn. Back row from left: Erlinda Aldaba, Luis Sosa, Cameron LaPoint, Patrick Garrett, Chandler Stansberry, and Orryn Douglas.

The OHS JROTC Color Guard and Drill Team recently traveled to Lee's Summit, MO to compete in team competitions at North High School.  There were 25 schools represented from four states (IA, MO, KS, NB) including Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine JROTC units. Overall Ottumwa's team finished in the top 20%. The highlight of the event was a third place finish by the first year drill team!