Between February 2 and March 13, students and parents will have a voice in decisions impacting the conditions for learning at OHS.
Parents and students are encouraged to complete the Iowa Youth Survey: Conditions for Learning. The confidential survey, part of the school's Iowa's Safe and Supportive Schools grant initiative, will focus on issues ranging from student safety to positive student relationships to whether students have enough resources in their schools. Input from parents and students is vital to the success of this program. The survey is shorter than last year.
Since being selected to participate in The Iowa Safe and Supportive Schools (IS3) program three years ago, there has been positive momentum at OHS. A leadership team, consisting of students, parents, community and faculty, has been busy conducting surveys, analyzing data, and implementing projects designed to strengthen the learning environment. Projects include: the Bulldog Block Party, hiring a graduation coach, painting parts of the building, new outside benches, outside lighting, and hanging new monitors in the cafeteria.
Students will take the survey as part of their instructional day. Survey links for parents are below or can be found in the left navigation of the high school website through March 13.