Vision Statement

Our Vision . . .
Engage, educate, and empower every student every day.

Our Mission . . .
Inspire every student to think, learn, achieve, and care.

Core Beliefs . . .

  • Every student matters
  • Building relationships is the foundation of success
  • We will meet the needs of all students
  • Data will drive our decision-making
  • Collaboration and teamwork are necessary for success
  • All students can learn at high levels

Device Purpose

A personalized learning environment allows teachers a greater opportunity to guide and facilitate student learning. When fully implemented, students and teachers will have:

  • Ownership of rigorous and relevant learning.
  • Innovative and creative learning possibilities.
  • A personal connection to the material through student interest.
  • Self-directed learning opportunities.
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration with others.
  • Greater access to digital resources.
  • Access to education beyond the school day and school walls.
  • The ability to think critically and creatively on relevant issues.
  • Become better prepared for college and career through the twenty-first century and technology literacy skills.