Principal Madden’s Weekly Update—Week of June 10
Photos this week show some of the amazing inventions in 4th grade. They made Rube Goldberg machines.
A Rube Goldberg Machine is a crazy contraption which accomplishes a simple task in the most complicated – and funniest – way possible! Based on the “Invention” cartoons of the famous Pulitzer Prize-winning American cartoonist, Rube Goldberg.
Other photos show some 5th graders on their recent visit to the Sojourner Truth site. They met with a historian regarding this important person from history.
Also, our 5th graders were able to make clay pots with Pottery on Wheels. What a wonderful experience made possible through a NEF grant!
And, there are also some photos from our fabulous Field Day. One of the photos shows some kindergarten students enjoying popsicles—one of our families donated enough all-fruit pops for the whole school! They were delicious.
Thanks to all who volunteered to made Field Day such a wonderful day for out students!
Summer Lunches at R.K. Finn Ryan Road School!!
Please read the attached flyer about summer lunch availability for anyone under age 18! Lunch will be offered every day—either at our school or at Florence Heights. Right now, it looks like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at our school and Tuesday & Thursday at Florence Heights, but it might end up being every day at school. Call the school office for an update after July 1.
2019-Menu 2019-Menu.SpanishI also attached a flyer about summer meals at the Survival Center. I hope many of you can take advantage of these great opportunities for free summer meals!
Happy Summer!
It’s been another wonderful year at RKFRR! Thanks to all of you for your support and communication. I love being the principal here and will continue to do all I can to help your children thrive. It is an honor to serve this community.
Important Upcoming Dates
• June 12, 2:00-2:50: Celebrate Nature! We will have a celebration highlighting some of our environmental work collaborating with Mr. Ted from the Hitchcock Center. Please join us from 2:00-2:50 to see exhibits in classrooms! See attached flyer!
• June 13 at 1:30: 5th Grade Celebration
• June 14: Last day of school! Early dismissal at 12:20
• August 28: First day of School for the 2019-2020 school year (for grades 1-5)
I hope that all families feel welcome, comfortable, and valued at our school. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sarah Madden, Principal