JFK students continue to be recognized for their exceptional work using the STEM Project Lead the Way curriculum. In 2021, two 7th graders were recognized for their excellent work in the Robotics program. This year, the 8th grade App Creator curriculum also saw successes from our wonderful students. Lucy Platte was awarded the Industry Recognized...
Category: JFK Middle School
JFK Students Experience Adaptive Cycling
Elodie Chicoine, Head Teacher in the JFK GOALS Program, always strives to bring her students new experiences. In cooperation with Karen Foster and All Out Adventures, JFK Goals students spent a beautiful, sunny day riding adapted cycles around Look Memorial Park in Florence, MA. Karen and the All Out Adventures staff met Elodie and her...
JFK Student named Poetry Finalist
Trey Rivera, 2019 Poetry FinalistRiver of Words International Poetry and Arts Contest“Youth Art and Poetry Inspired by the Natural World” Diana Ajjan, 7th grade English teacher here at JFK Middle School, inspired her students by combining a study of Greek Mythology with a ROW field trip to the Mill River. She submitted a batch of wonderfully...
Upcoming Events
First Annual JFK Family/Student/Staff BINGO NIGHT Thursday, November 21 5:30 – 7:00 pm JFK Cafeteria Bingo is FREE of charge! There will be pizza, cookies, and drinks available for purchase. Students can use cash or BLUE TICKETS! LOTS of fun Prizes! Come join the FUN! Northampton High School’s Romeo & Juliet gets a new look...
Caregiver Chromebook End of Year Survey
Students at JFK Middle school completed a year of having individually assigned chromebooks issued to them. As caregivers, we would like your feedback on the program. Thank you for taking a moment to answer the questions on the Google Form below: Click Here to take the Caregiver Survey in ENGLISH Click Here for the Caregiver...
JFK’s Scrabble Club makes the News
Students at Northampton join community members at the Lily Library for Scrabble games–this time, Connecting Point featured an article about them. Evan, mentioned in the news clip, and JFK teammates, Gordon and Robbie just competed in the two-day North American School Scrabble Championship in Philadelphia at the end of April. Teacher, Ben Greenwood, was asked...
Bottle Cap Mural comes to Fruition
Students in Art teacher Michelle Mallory’s and STEM teacher Jack Dembkowski’s forum used their time this spring to brighten up the lobby here at JFK. After winter planning sessions with lots of ideas from students and staff, they decided to create a new mural for the front lobby depicting the fours seasons. But a simple...
Conferencing with a Ghana Chief!
Students on the Grade 6 Recyclones team have had an extra special week in their studies of Africa. Their math teacher, Phil Cote, is currently in Ghana participating in a medical and educational humanitarian mission. Throughout his time in Ghana, Phil has sent images and video of life in Ghana, sharing as much as he...