School Assignment Policy

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Which Elementary School will my child attend?

Resident Elementary School students attend one of four elementary schools within the Northampton Public Schools District. Students are assigned to their neighborhood school based on their home address. Our Elementary Schools are: Bridge Street Elementary, Jackson Street Elementary, RK Finn Ryan Road Elementary and Leeds Elementary.

Please review the file below to determine which school is assigned to your home address. Please note that all resident students in Grades 6-8 attend the JFK Middle School, and all resident students in Grades 9-12 attend Northampton High School (Hamp High).  Questions about residency? Please view our Residency Page.

This street listing information is provided as a guide only. There are several streets within the towns of Northampton, Leeds and Florence that encompass more than one district school. Those streets that include house numbers indicate the line where the neighborhood schools are split. If you have questions, please contact our Transportation Supervisor, Tammy Lieber at (413) 587-1331, Ext 2, or

Additionally, at this time, we will not be providing bus stop or bus transportation routes on our website. Students eligible to ride the bus and to purchase a bus pass will receive an information packet in the mail during the summer. Once applications and payments has been received and processed, bus passes will be made available for pick-up in the Central Office. Our Transportation page has the full details on bus transportation eligibility.