Bottle Cap Mural comes to Fruition
Students in Art teacher Michelle Mallory’s and STEM teacher Jack Dembkowski’s forum used their time this spring to brighten up the lobby here at JFK. After winter planning sessions with lots of ideas from students and staff, they decided to create a new mural for the front lobby depicting the fours seasons. But a simple painted mural was not in the works. Ms. Mallory is an remarkable art teacher, and is always coming up with great new ideas to stimulate and challenge how students look at and interact with art. She wanted to incorporate texture and dimension as well as addressing issues of recycling and reuse. The outcome – the Bottle Cap Mural.
Students and teachers brought in hundreds of bottle caps, removing them from the waste stream. The PTO generously funded the plywood and screws, and Royal Talon donated the paint.
Off they went as a forum, priming, painting and securing the caps using hundreds and hundreds of screws. The teamwork amongst the students was marvelous to see as this was no small project . The planning, communication and collaboration involved in creating such a large mural is a great example of what Forum at JFK is all about. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings would be filled with the sounds of drills and saws and all kinds of noises coming out of room 110 as the mural came into being.
Michelle, Jack, and their awesome group of students have created a beautiful mural for all to enjoy. Please stop by JFK and see the wonderful new feature to our lobby.
Next, a coordinating bench!