• Welcome to Olivia Park

    PTA clipart


    What Does PTA Do?

    PTA does many things to support the school:

    • Funds classroom enrichment programs, the Polar Paws reward system, the Backpack Food Program, and Disaster Preparedness programs
    • Fund, plan, and run gymnastics night, dances, movie nights, gingerbread house night, and more!


    What would I do as a PTA member?

    Membership in the PTA can be as much or as little as you want it to be.


    • There is no pressure to officially join the PTA. Anyone can come to meetings, volunteer at events, and share ideas!

    PTA Member:

    • For $10 per year, you may become an official card-carrying PTA member! This means you may vote on how the PTA spends money, changes to rules, changes to the budget, next year's leadership/budget, etc. The annual fee helps to fund our programs/activities throughout the year, and you have a more official voice in the school. PTA members (and Leadership) often organize and run our many activities throughout the year alongside our volunteers as well.

    PTA Leadership:

    • The leadership of the PTA is made up of PTA members that have volunteered for more responsibility. There is a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. There is no pressure to take on one of these roles if you are not comfortable! We are a very supportive group, and experienced folks help out new leaders as needed. A small amount of training hours are needed for folks in leadership positions. If you are curious about what the specific roles do, please come to a meeting and see them in action, or talk to someone at an event!


    Why Should I Join?

    Joining the PTA is a great way to be involved with your child’s education! By coming to meetings you:

    • Get more information about what is happening at Olivia Park Elementary

    • Learn where the PTA is using its money and where it came from
    • Meet other parents

    • Share ideas

    • Learn how to be a better advocate for your child

    • Have your voice heard.

    Anyone can come to the meetings, give input and receive information. There is no pressure to officially join. If you want to be able to officially vote, membership in the PTA is $10 per year. These dues add to our fundraiser money and fund all of our yearly activities.

    How Do I join?

    Come to a meeting or stop by the PTA table of an event, fill out the form, and give your $10 annual fee via cash or check! Checks should be made out to Olivia Park PTA (OPPTA)

    Contact Us:

    Olivia Park PTA