Mill Valley School District Facility Needs
The Mill Valley School District serves 2,948 students in grades K-8 at our 6 schools. We have done extensive analysis of our school buildings and grounds and are committed to the safety of our students and staff on our campuses.
In 2018, the Mill Valley School District carried out a Facility Needs Assessment and also gauged facilities using the Facility Inspection Tool. Based on the information from these processes, the district’s Director of Maintenance & Operations created a report estimating the age or physical status of each facility item and compared it to its standard lifespan at each school site. The total for all facility needs across our 6 sites for a 10-year period, including escalation cost, is nearly $47 million.
We know our school sites function well and with our teachers, we work to develop balanced learners. However, to maintain modern facilities that are ideal for teaching and learning today and into the future, there are many needed repairs and replacements. We will be sharing more information about our facility needs with you. Keep an eye on our District newsletter, website, and social media for more videos in our “Facility Needs” series and other information related to the facilities at our school sites, particularly at the Mill Valley Middle School.