• Characteristics of Gifted Children and Talented Children and Possible Associated Problems



    Gifted and talented children may:

     Possible Associated Problems 


    Gifted and talented children may:



    • learn quickly and easily
    • have the ability to abstract and reason critically
    • see relationships between ideas and events



    • become bored and frustrated
    • dislike repetition and shallow curriculum
    • hide abilities to gain acceptance
    • receive negative adult attitudes to smartness



    • exhibit verbal proficiency



    • dominate discussion
    •  have difficulty with listening skills
    •  exhibit manipulative behavior



    • have a high energy level



    • need less sleep 
    • become frustrated with inactivity, lack of challenge or active inquiry



    • exhibit heightened curiosity



    • take on too many activities



    • be extremely persistent 
    • concentrate on tasks of high interest for extended periods



    • disrupt class routine
    •  feel stifled by restrictions
    •  resist interruption or schedules
    •  be perceived as stubborn, uncooperative



    • exhibit different learning styles 
    • be accelerated: desire mastery, achievement 
    • be enriched: desire depth of knowledge, the need to experience, emotional investment in subject  imagination



    • become frustrated with absence of progress
    •  be prone to being 'overdriven' and/or not be motivated by results
    •  be resistant to interruption 
    • be seen as time wasting or preoccupied



    • exhibit unusual emotional depth and intensity



    • be unusually vulnerable 
    • feel confused if thoughts and feelings not taken seriously



    • be highly sensitive be acutely perceptive



    • be perceived as immature try to mask feelings to conform be vulnerable to criticism



    • be concerned with adult/moral issues 
    • be idealistic



    • attempt unrealistic reforms
    •  feel frustrated, angry. 
    • become depressed or develop a cynical attitude
    •  receive intolerance from age peers



    • aim at perfection



    • set unrealistically high goals
    •  feel inadequate 
    • feel frustrated with others
    •  fear failure, inhibiting attempts in new areas



    • exhibit independence, nonconformity



    • have a tendency to challenge and question indiscreetly 
    • have difficulty with rigid conformity, 
    •  may be penalized 
    • exhibit rebellious behavior



    • have heightened self awareness, feelings of being different



    • experience social isolation
    •  regard difference as bad or worthless, resulting in low self esteem



    • have a keen sense of humor



    • use humor inappropriately or to attack others 
    • feel confused when humor not understood 
    • feel rejected by others



    • possess unusual imagination



    • be seen as weird
    •  feel stifled by lack of creative opportunities



    • respond and relate to older children and adults



    • experience social isolation
    •  be seen as show off, odd, superior, critical 
    • be rejected by older children



    (Adapted from publications by Clark, Colangelo, Dalton and Whitmore,
    by Marion Mackenzie for QAGTC inc.)