General intellectual ability

    • is an avid reader
    • has avid interest in science or literature
    • provides very alert, rapid answers to questions
    • has a wide range of interests
    • is secure emotionally
    • is venturesome, wanting to do new things
    • tends to dominate peers or situations
    • is an entrepreneur - readily makes money on various projects or activities
    • needs little outside control - applies self discipline
    • is resourceful - solving problems by ingenious methods
    • is creative in new ideas, seeing associations, pursuing innovations
    • displays a great curiosity about objects, situations or events
    • has the capacity to look into things and be puzzled
    • is involved with many exploratory type activities
    • reveals originality in oral and written expression
    • is perceptually open to his or her environment
    • displays a willingness to accept complexity
    • has the capacity to use knowledge and information other than to memorize
    • shows superior judgment in evaluating things
    • is a good guesser
    • makes good grades in most subjects
    • learns rapidly, easily and efficiently
    • uses a lot of commonsense
    • retains and uses information which has been heard or read
    • uses a large number of words easily and accurately
    • asks many questions of a provocative nature
    • has a power of abstraction, conceptualization and synthesis
    • has an interest in cause-effect relations
    • has a liking for structure, order and consistency
    • has a power of concentration, an intense attention that excludes all else
    • is persistent
    • has a high energy level
    • is independent
    • is friendly and outgoing

    Specific academic aptitude

    • shows similar characteristics to general intellectual ability but concentrated around one or a few fields
    • has a long attention span in areas of interest
    • learns rapidly, easily and with less repetition in one or a few specific areas (probably not all subject areas)
    • likes or loves one or a few areas of knowledge
    • likes to study some subjects more than others
    • spends time voluntarily beyond ordinary assignments on projects of interest to him or her
    • is able to extend learning from these key areas to various situations somewhat unrelated in orientation
    • is able to show broad perspective on one or more subject areas
    • is able to judge own and others' relative abilities in key areas of interest
    • seeks assistance of others beyond his or age peers in extending knowledge in areas of interest


    • is fluent in producing and elaborating on ideas
    • makes unusual associations between remote ideas
    • is flexible in thinking patterns
    • senses when problems exist
    • acts spontaneously, intuitively
    • tolerates ambiguity and uncertainty
    • senses inconsistencies and discontinuities
    • readily guesses and makes hypotheses
    • juggles or redefines elements of a problem or task
    • can show intense concentration on a task
    • retains own ideas in a discussion or collaboration
    • provides multiple solutions or responses to problems
    • is uninhibited in expression, sometimes radical
    • is intellectually playful, interested in fantasy, imagination
    • always trying to adapt or improve things
    • has a keen sense of humor, seeing humor in situations others don't
    • doesn't mind being different
    • doesn't accept authoritarian pronouncements without own judgment
    • asks provocative questions, challenges parents, teachers, written and other authorities
    • is bored with memorization and recitation
    • displays energy, sometimes disruptively
    • produces unexpected, sometimes "silly" responses
    • is considered, and perhaps resented, by some peers as "crazy"
    • can show unusual degrees of originality, concentration and persistent hard work on projects that capture their interest and imagination



    • can stimulate and arouse others
    • organizes others
    • recognizes skills and abilities possessed by others
    • interacts with others easily showing social skills
    • recognizes and can articulate the goals of a group
    • can articulate ideas clearly
    • can listen to others empathetically
    • understands how people feel and how groups function
    • can give directions clearly and effectively
    • exercises authority reliably and responsibly
    • can adopt non-leadership roles within a group
    • can establish the mood of a group
    • supports others in a group when appropriate
    • can coordinate the work of several individuals
    • is often asked for ideas and suggestions
    • is looked to by others when something must be decided


    Visual and performing arts


    • has good sense of rhythm
    • is well-coordinated
    • discriminates musical and other sounds well
    • understands musical relationships
    • enjoys musical activities and demonstrates musical feeling
    • shows tonal memory
    • responds readily to rhythm, melody and harmony
    • uses music to express feeling or experience
    • makes up original tunes
    • enjoys dance and dramatic activities with musical elements



    • demonstrates interest and enjoyment in dramatic activities
    • readily shifts into role of another character, animal or object
    • uses voice to reflect changes in mood
    • demonstrates understanding of conflict when acting out a dramatic event
    • communicates feelings by means of facial expressions, gestures and bodily movements
    • enjoys evoking emotional responses from listeners
    • demonstrates ability to dramatize feelings and experiences
    • brings a dramatic situation to a climax with a well-timed ending when telling a story


    • draws a variety of objects
    • puts depth into drawing, showing planning and good proportion
    • treats art seriously and enjoys it
    • shows originality in modes of undertaking art
    • is willing to try out new materials and experiences
    • pursues art in spare time
    • uses art to express feelings and experiences
    • is interested in other people's art, both appreciating it and criticizing it
    • likes to model three dimensionally with clay, soap carving, plasticine, etc


    Check list